Monthly Archives: August 2015

business argument

To Litigate…or To Compromise: That Is the Question

Compromise is the best and cheapest lawyer.                                                 –Robert Louis Stevenson   Whether you’re running a business or just helping to manage your homeowner’s association, problems will occur. Negotiations fall apart, disputes arise, and sometimes legal action is required. When the time comes to get legal help, failing to thoroughly research the lawyer you hire can lead…
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How to Win on the Business “Playground”

Life, by its very nature, is an emotional merry-go-round. In the world of business negotiations, how you ride that whirling carousel of human feelings and relationships can either throw you from the saddle or help you snag the winner’s brass ring. Early in my career, working for master negotiator David Weisz, I learned that all business dealings take place on…
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negotiating tips

Six Steps to a Win-Win Negotiation

by Leon J.Owens After several decades of balancing the needs of my clients with those of their creditors and competitors, I’ve learned that the very act of negotiating—whereby two or more parties come together over a single issue, each with competing interests of their own—is at the foundation of nearly everything we do on a daily basis. Whether we’re buying…
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